SureCharge, FM Conway’s EV charging solution, has been chosen by the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham to provide residential on-street charging across the borough.
It will see FM Conway install 2,000 SureCharge units across Hammersmith & Fulham, providing residents, visitors and FM Conway’s rapidly growing EV fleet with more than 3,000 charging solutions across the borough by March 2023.
Working with EV partner JoJu Solar, FM Conway will be operating on Transport for London’s (TfL) Go Ultra Low City Scheme (GULCS) framework to begin rolling out its SureCharge solution to Hammersmith & Fulham’s streets.
As part of the contract, FM Conway is matching the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) funding already secured by the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham to provide EV charge points to the borough.
The SureCharge units have been selected to meet the needs of the borough’s growing EV demand as it offers the option to utilise the existing streetlight columns and supply to transform its infrastructure into in-column chargers through patented technology, Safevolt.
Safevolt allows the SureCharge unit to be simply added to the door of the streetlight column, removing the need for costly and disruptive secondary earthing, such as excavating the footway to install an earth mat, as well as providing the council with the flexibility to readily relocate on to other columns across the EV network where required.
Graham Cartledge, Lighting Director at FM Conway, said: “Using existing lamp columns for EV charging is a cost-effective way of providing residents with an on-street charging solution.
“We are able to utilise the lamp columns adjacent to parking bays in areas where there are very few properties with driveways/garages, which seems the obvious choice.
“We offer the full turnkey solution, from design, install, commission, and maintenance, as well has running the platform for charging sessions.”