Battery storage event – 30th October, One Moorgate, London – 8:15 – 13:30
The business case for battery storage continues to evolve at pace. In parallel, flexibility markets are also changing quickly, creating both new challenges and new opportunities for those with battery assets.
The Energyst, along with National Grid, GridBeyond, E.ON, Flexitricity and npower, invite businesses to a morning conference dedicated to exploring and navigating battery storage.
The event will explore business models, revenue opportunities, costs savings and how to ensure optimal returns within the context of a fluid market and regulatory environment.
The Battery Storage Event, 30th October at One Moorgate Place, London, is free to qualifying individuals (public and private sector end user organisations considering implementing battery storage within their sites, or seeking to optimise existing assets).
All attendees will receive a copy of our forthcoming 2018 Battery Storage report, which outlines end-user views on storage, plus expert market insight from independent consultants, economists, technology providers aggregators and suppliers.
Only a few tickets now remain, register in advance for the 2018 Event to avoid disappointment.