To replace, or not to replace? “What is government’s heat pump policy?”, asks utilities...

A trade body representing utilities firms has accused energy minister Lord Callanan of “chaos” in going against his own department’s policy over heat pumps...

UKPN & Octopus partner to offer fuse instals with home heat pumps

A first re-fuse-al for homes fitting heat pumps to protect neighbourhood grids at the same time is the aim of a combined offer from...

Highest home solar instals for seven years, says MCS watchdog

Domestic installations of on-roof solar electricity systems boomed last year to their highest peak since 2015, the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) has reported. Just over...

GreenGO to speed up mass insulation & clean heat, IPPR urges

A massive acceleration of home insulation and low-carbon heat launched by government could be saving bill payers up to £500 a year as soon...

Triple pressure: Britain “may need 150k heat pump installers this decade, not 50k”  

Meeting the government’s target for installing heat pumps may require up to three times the 50,000 technicians which Whitehall foresees, industry experts now estimate. By...

EDF helps customers move to heat pumps

Heat pumps are a critical solution for decarbonising homes, and will be vital if the UK is to meet its legally binding commitment to...

WPD claims lead among DNOs with UK’s first “connectability pledge”

Britain’s grid operator serving the Midlands and Wales reckons it’s getting ahead of a major regulatory change in how DNOs charge for installing low-carbon...

Upgrade already needed for Johnson’s April boiler upgrade scheme, installers report

Response continues to run cold to the government’s £450 million drive to upgrade boilers to biomass working in Britain’s homes or install heat pumps,...

WPD boosts vision for low carbon heat

Western Power Distribution is pushing ahead with its RIIO-ED2 investment plans in what it claims is its most ambitious plan yet to connect households...

WPD commits to easy hook-up for home microgenerators

Midlanders, Welsh folk and South Westerners who’ve turned their homes into solar-equipped mini-power stations got renewed backing from Western Power Distribution today. Fresh from announcing...

Cheaper heat pumps: Octopus changes colour to RED in Craigavon

Despite a government target of 600,000 working units by 2028, pumps’ perceived high price and a shortage of trained fitters kept home installations as...

Half night, half day: WPD’s Equinox prizes flex uses of low carbon pumps in...

Britain’s biggest distributed network operator is pumping over £15m into unlocking the flexibility offered by low carbon residential home heat.  Ground- or air-sourced pumps...