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Smart meters box clever through strongest year for data growth

Britain’s national network of smart meters, developed and maintained by the Data Communications Company (DCC), grew by over 6.3 million meters last year, a...

Smart meter roll out ‘will struggle to meet 2025 deadline’:  Cornwall Insight

The government’s goal of achieving a smart meter in every British home by 2025 is looking harder to achieve, according to new polling of...

Second year for nation’s flex trials, as NG-ESO offers £3 per kWh

Ofgem’s approval on Friday means that today sees a repeat of cash incentives offered to businesses and homes shifting electricity loads outside peak times. National...

Elexon runs scheme to save PPM customers £40 per year

A programme calculated to save the average household feeding a pre-payment electricity meter (PPM) the princely sum of £40 per year has been launched...