There’s a quieter, more efficient vacuum pump in town


GHS 730 VSD+Vacuum pumpRotary ScrewOil-sealedIn this sponsored post, Atlas Copco says its GHS 350-900 VSD+ range of highly efficient vacuum pumps delivers average energy savings of 50% and claims best in class noise levels and oil retention.

The GHS 350-900 VSD+ range, generating nominal displacement of up to 900m3/h, incorporates state-of-the-art VSD technology that enables vacuum generation requirements to be matched to the demands of your process. Coupled with an innovative motor design and inlet control valve, the firm claims its range sets new standards for energy efficiency in rough vacuum pumps, leading to a dramatic reduction in total cost of ownership.

When benchmarked against oil-sealed and dry vane vacuum pumps, the GHS VSD+ pump delivers a 50% reduction in noise levels, down to a whispering level of 51 dB(A). The plug-and-play design allows quick and easy installation, saving time and space. The footprint is one of the smallest on the market – no larger than a standard pallet.

The complete GHS VSD+ range is equipped with Atlas Copco’s Elektronikon monitoring system and SMARTlink data monitoring. Elektronikon can integrate with your plant management system and control other vacuum pumps, helping with energy savings.

The range conforms with ISO 50001 and 14001 standards, while environmental impact is reduced as a result of impeccable oil retention at all operating pressures – from ultimate pressure to atmospheric pressure.

Learn more about the new GHS 350-900 VSD+ oil-sealed rotary screw vacuum pump range:


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