Western Power Distribution (WPD) opened its demand-side response tender window last week.
The company aims to procure 93.4MW of DSR services in 12 areas across its network for delivery in 2019/20.
The company has also signposted the flex it is likely to require out to 2024.
The tender closes 22 April and WPD urged interested providers to register as soon as possible.
It has developed a postcode checker for potential providers to check if their assets are in the right areas.
WPD is currently looking for three types of services:
- Secure – designed to manage peak demand on the network and pre-emptively reduce network loading
- Dynamic – developed to support the network in the event of specific fault conditions, usually during summer maintenance
- Restore – designed to help with network restoration following rare fault conditions.
Secure will pay firms an ‘arming fee’ between £75/MWh and £118/MWh, depending on location. It will also pay a utilisation fee of £150MWh.
Dynamic pays a small availability fee but a utilisation fee of £300/MWh.
Restore pays £600/MWh.
Firms can provide either Secure or Dynamic in most areas, and make themselves available for Restore services.
Full details of the requirements in each zone are available here. The company says it will release further procurement zones in July.
Interested parties can register via: https://rfxxp.westernpower.co.uk/ECE.
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WPD expands DSR programme, launches tenders in Midlands and South West
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