Bristol is to install a 300kW battery at City Hall later this year. The council has committed to decarbonise its own buildings by 2025 and is attempting to make Bristol a net zero city by 2030 under the City Leap project.
Funding for the battery, some £356k, was approved yesterday. Upside Energy will work with council-owned Bristol Energy to deliver payback from load shifting and grid services. The council projects annual savings and revenue of around £33k, suggesting around a 10 year return on investment.
However, that calculation includes peak network charges (TNUoS and DUoS) savings, which are set to largely disappear in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Industry is hoping that Ofgem and power network companies will develop other incentives from 2022.
If the battery delivers as expected, the council hopes to rollout storage and other technologies across its estate.
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