Rolls Royce's vision of how a small nuclear reactor might look. The report acknowledges Rolls Royce's support.

Buy British to boost nuclear generation, and revive Wylfa, MPs urge

Britain’s nuclear expansion must be sourced from home-based suppliers, and must include reviving north Wales’ defunct Wylfa station, an industry-backed panel of MPs advocates...

Renewables output in 2023 ‘enough to power all UK homes‘, ECIU calculates

Academics at the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit say the 90TWh of electricity generated in 2023 by Britain’s wind, solar and hydro sectors alone...
Rolls Royce's vision of how a small nuclear reactor might look. The report acknowledges Rolls Royce's support.

Government pumps £300m into high-tech nuclear fuel, ends Putin’s sector dominance

Britain is set to become the first country in Europe to launch a high-tech HALEU nuclear fuel programme, strengthening supply for new nuclear projects....

Ministers seek ‘fourfold’ nuclear leap forward, Britain’s biggest in 70 years

The government today signalled its ambitions to increase nuclear capacity fourfold to 24GW by 2050, a leap billed as Britain’s biggest in 70 years. Construction...

Sizewell C meets councils’ demands, opens way to construction

Backers of the Sizewell C nuclear project have initiated its Development Consent Order (DCO), clearing the way for construction to begin at the new...

Heysham 1 steam leak triggers EdF improvement notice

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has served an improvement notice on EdF Energy's nuclear generation division, following an incident at Heysham 1 power...

ONR signs off decommissioning of nuclear research site – after ten years

A nuclear experimental site used by Imperial College researchers has become Britain's first to be fully decommissioned in UK nuclear history under modern regulatory...

Elexon poised to direct suppliers’ cash towards new nukes

A change in rules for financing new nuclear capacity leaves trading platform Elexon preparing to play a key role in supporting expansion of the...

Government confirms grant to SMR builders planning Hartlepool nuke plant

The government has confirmed an early financing deal to develop a next generation nuclear reactor for a new station in Hartlepool. Joint recipients today of...

Hunterston A stores 2,100 tonnes of its own radioactive waste; more to come

Over 2,100 tonnes of solid radioactive waste – the equivalent weight of 153 Big Ben bells - have been retrieved and safely stored at...

Hinkley C connectors cross Ts, eye transmission

National Grid has installed overhead conductors on all 116 of its new T-pylons, marking a major milestone for its Hinkley Connection Project to bring...