Onshore wind: Octopus commits up to £10 million to develop in Wales & Scotland

Octopus Renewable Investment Trust says it has already invested £2.5 million in the first of nine newly formed joint venture companies for projects. ORIT...

Floating turbines win big among ScotWind’s 24.8GW of awards

Scotland’s government is looking forward to pocketing bidding fees of around £680 million from ScotWind, the nation’s first round of offshore plot leasing for...

Whitehall’s £31.6 m floats turbines higher

Eleven offshore wind farms equipped with floating turbines are to benefit from grants totalling £31.6 million, the government announced today. D-BEIS’s Floating Offshore Wind Demonstration...

NG-ESO’s Networks Options Assessment: SSEN happy, preps three Peterhead pipes

SSEN Transmission, the network owner serving Scotland’s north, has today welcomed the National Grid’s greenlight to pump £5 billion into the region’s distribution wires. National...

Glasgow Airport to install 15 MWp of ground mounted solar PV

Scotland’s busiest airport may be powered exclusively by solar-generated electricity as early as next year. Glasgow Airport’s owners AGS Airports are seeking planning permission to...

Holyrood consults on doubling onshore wind by 2030

Scotland’s coalition government is pressing ahead with plans to boost onshore wind generation by as much as 12 GW this decade, adding to the...

Vestas bags big Scots order while rival looks to new boss for ‘turnaround’

Danish engineer Vestas has landed an order to supply eight of its biggest turbines for the onshore Greengairs East wind farm near Caldercruix, south...

Ding, dong: Ørsted takes 80% of Salamander, floating Scots pilot

Offshore wind market leaders Ørsted today took an 80% stake in the 100 MW Salamander floating turbine project off Aberdeen, entering its supervising joint...

Cambo revived, as Ithaca Energy pays £ 1.5 billion for owners Siccar Point

The controversial Cambo oil and gas field 75 kilometres west of the Shetlands re-emerged as a probable extraction operation today, as Ithaca Energy bought...

Sunshine on Leith – and up to 6 GW of new PV arrays –...

Scotland could be in for an imminent bonanza in skilled jobs, care of clean, quickly deployed and popular solar power. In his novel ‘Blandings Castle’,...

“Most challenging year yet”, say four nations’ community energy pioneers

Hundreds of thousands of volunteer owners and operators of Britain’s potential-rich but beleaguered community energy movement are recovering from their ‘most challenging year yet’,...

Four big battery plants to ease Scotland’s clean transmssion

Over 1GW of new power storage was announced this morning for Scotland's transmission grid. Innovators Xenobe revealed plans for three amp hotels with a combined...

Gas operating profits rise fourfold at SSE during six months to September

Operating profits from the gas and thermal energy division alone of vertically integrated generator-retailer SSE soared to £248million on an adjusted basis in the...

“Set the controls for ten times more sun”: Holyrood MSPs take a shine to...

Lawmakers from five parties have pledged support for Scotland to reach between 4GW and 6GW of solar power-making capacity by 2030, up from 0.4...