ENGIE & Canadian Solar bring two 2-hour grid batteries to Scotland

French-based power supplier ENGIE has signed a deal with green generator Canadian Solar’s e-Storage offshoot to construct two 50MW/100MWh, two-hour duration battery sites in...

Co-op a look, Donald! UK’s biggest community-owned wind farm half way to spinning citizen-controlled...

Four of eight permitted turbines have now been erected at a pioneering new wind farm in Kirkoswald, Ayrshire, on Scotland’s south west coast. Together rated...

Breaking news:  Emissions scheme to reduce sale of carbon allowances

Energy-intensive industries will be incentivised to reach their lowest-ever level of carbon emissions, under detailed plans published by the UK government & devolved administrations...

First Scotwind offshore farm seeks Holyrood’s consent, as Whitelee begins bug hunt

The first development in the winning bids of last year’s 24.8GW ScotWind leasing competition has filed papers seeking planning consent from ministers at Holyrood. Offshore...

EDF to invest £4.5bn this year in UK low carbon electricity

Nuclear-to-solar-to-wind generator EDF Energy says it is on track to develop £4.5billion-worth of low carbon electricity-making assets in the UK this year. In its 2023...

Wave hello: Scots marine pioneers find Blue Horizon under water

Wave energy pioneers Mocean Energy have secured over £3 million in EU funding to develop and deploy a 250kW wave machine in Orkney. The large-scale...

EGL2 mega-connector wins Anglo-Scots planners’ green light

Britain’s biggest current network improvement project, the Eastern Green Link 2 subsea cable running for 291 miles under the North Sea, has secured planning...

French-owned EDF signs 7 year offtake for 220.5MW wind farm on Ayrshire coalfield

State-owned EDF Energy has signed a seven year power purchase agreement (PPA) with developer Brockwell Energy’s North Kyle project on a former coalfield in...

Whisky stiffens “second life” spinning of rare metals from retired turbines

Scots researchers believe they've mapped a way to recover rare metals vital to rebuild and replace ageing wind turbines.  Stereotypically enough, whisky plays a...

Ukraine trio spur Scottish Power towards Net Zero

Scottish Power’s call for 1,000 new recruits to speed up the UK's journey to Net Zero has been answered by a trio of skilled...

Dry cells, in the wet: seaborne battery charges beneath Orkney’s waves

An ambitious collaborative project to power subsea equipment with wave power and subsea energy storage has taken to the seas off the north of...

Ofgem fines Drax £6 million for three years of Balancing Mechanism excess claims

Renewables generator Drax has admitted breaches of its licence in relation to unjustified Balancing Mechanism claims made during repeated periods of grid constraint. Implying today...

“Scots, Tera-watt hey!” Holyrood to plug in 20GW more green capacity by 2030, ponders how...

Scotland’s devolved government has unveiled plans to accelerate still further the heady growth already seen in the nation’s clean generation capacities. The ruling SNP’s “Energy...

Scots on top: renewable output up 55% in September quarter, capacity up 11% in...

Scotland’s output of renewable electricity rose 55.3% year on year for the three months to September 2022, on the back of an annual 11.4%...

Insolation nation: Scots government opens up to the sun

Scotland’s devolved coalition government has pledged to harness more of the nation’s solar energy potential, promising to “co-design Holyrood’s draft solar vision” with installers...

“Set the controls for ten times more sun”: Holyrood MSPs take a shine to...

Lawmakers from five parties have pledged support for Scotland to reach between 4GW and 6GW of solar power-making capacity by 2030, up from 0.4...

Gas operating profits rise fourfold at SSE during six months to September

Operating profits from the gas and thermal energy division alone of vertically integrated generator-retailer SSE soared to £248million on an adjusted basis in the...

Four big battery plants to ease Scotland’s clean transmssion

Over 1GW of new power storage was announced this morning for Scotland's transmission grid. Innovators Xenobe revealed plans for three amp hotels with a combined...

“Most challenging year yet”, say four nations’ community energy pioneers

Hundreds of thousands of volunteer owners and operators of Britain’s potential-rich but beleaguered community energy movement are recovering from their ‘most challenging year yet’,...

Sunshine on Leith – and up to 6 GW of new PV arrays –...

Scotland could be in for an imminent bonanza in skilled jobs, care of clean, quickly deployed and popular solar power. In his novel ‘Blandings Castle’,...