Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust has invested £7m to cut its energy bill by £800,000 a year, and annual carbon emissions by 2,200 tonnes.
Across fives sites, the Trust is installing a new 1.5MW combined heat and power (CHP) system, new boilers, air conditioning, roof mounted solar and LED lighting.
Centrica Business Solutions is delivering the project, set to be complete by April 2020.
Robert Steele, the Trust’s deputy director of strategic capital planning, said the project is “a major part of our approach to reduce the amount of money we spend on energy and utilities, releasing more funds to invest in frontline patient care and other vital functions. At the same time, reducing our energy consumption helps reduce our environmental impact.”
Centrica suggests that if half the NHS estate took a similar approach it would enable savings of £130m to be recycled into frontline services.
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