Sometimes you want a very robust on-line rack mount UPS system that you can operate in parallel with extended battery runtime packs, supplied in a rack cabinet with a bypass arrangement, extensive distribution and extra space for your servers and network IT loads. PRS (Power Rack Solution) UPS system was specifically developed to meet these type of needs.
The PRS system features an efficient, high-performance UPS (Protect D.6000 or Protect D.10000 model) integrated into a rack, where IT equipment such as routers or servers can then be added. The concept is flexible and available in a wide range of configurations, fitting precisely to customers’ requirements.
The PRS system provides a ready-to-use solution for a large range of power safety requirements from 6 to 20 kVA. Pre-defined solutions are available with individual or redundant versions, and the UPS can be set up in parallel operation with a parallel control panel. The battery system is integrated, and can be expanded to four units.
“We listened to our customers,” explains Robin Koffler, Global Sales Director Data & IT at AEG Power Solutions. “We know they need to protect their IT infrastructure, whatever their size, but also that optimising space is often an issue. Simple, compact and efficient, the PRS system is the answer. It’s a real plug and play solution, which is unique in this power range.”
Ready for immediate use, the space-saving system enables the installation of IT equipment and power supply in one rack. It requires only one supply line and its removable UPS connection simplifies maintenance. The system can also be supplied with additional rack extension and pre-mounted distribution units. Easily expandable, it will grow with the organisation, while minimising additional investment costs.
Units are assembled and tested in full compliance with VDE rules and set-up is flexible fitting various protection standards according to EN 50600-2-2, depending on customers’ requirements.