WPD and Nodes sign up ev.energy to flexibility trial


Smart electric vehicle charging firm ev.energy has signed up to take part in the IntraFlex market trial, being run by WPD and using the Nodes platform.

The firm’s smart charging platform optimises EV charging times and loads to save drivers money and reduce congestion on grids.

By participating in the IntraFlex project, ev.energy can trade that short-term flexibility in a dynamic market, where it will be able to earn between £1.5 – 6k per MW over the duration of the project.

The IntraFlex project, funded via Ofgem’s network innovation allowance, aims to reduce overall costs of flexibility. It will use a market platform designed and operated by Nodes, a joint venture between Nord Pool and Norwegian utility Agder Energi.

While aiming to drive down costs, opening up power markets alongside DNO flexibility – and potentially other areas – could ultimately enable those with flexible megawatts to trade across multiple pools close to real time, enabling smart operators to make more money from their flexibility.

Meanwhile, the market’s imbalance mitigation features, including an auto-rebalancing function to the intra-day market, should lower supplier exposure to imbalance costs, according to the firms.

More detail here.

Related stories:

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WPD seeks firms to take part in flex trial

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