Electric vehicle energy storage range ‘cuts costs, emissions and grid congestion’

Sponsored post: Powerstar is officially launching its Virtue energy storage range for electric vehicles. The firm says the system cuts costs, network congestion and...

Government sets out UK smart grid plan, moots 5GW of DSR by 2020 –...

Government is paving the way for all businesses and households to pay more for using electricity at peak times - and less when there is...

SSE urges smart meter rethink as costs spiral and benefits tank

SSE has urged government to reconsider the 2020 deadline for completion of the UK-wide smart meter rollout or risk further costs being piled on to...

Capacity market call sees £2,500MWh price spike, Grid says market working

National Grid’s second capacity market notice saw day ahead prices spike to £800MWh and balancing market prices soar towards £2,500MWh. The system operator issued the...

Rewrite rules for energy storage demand response and power networks, urges think tank

A new report urges policymakers to rewrite power system rules to unlock the full potential of demand-side response and energy storage and save billions of...

National Grid issues first capacity market notice

National Grid issued its first capacity market notice on Monday, warning of a potential capacity crunch in early evening. Grid issued the warning just after midday,...

Flexing your site’s energy muscle pays off

Sponsored: Smart technology deployed to monitor the energy consumption of industrial buildings and facilities is enabling ScottishPower customers to earn additional revenue. Head of Energy...

Tempus Energy closes energy supply business

Tempus Energy has closed its supply business. The company, which supplied energy to small businesses and traded the flexibility in their energy usage in...

Energy suppliers step up demand response aggregation efforts

Energy suppliers have been most active in targeting industrial and commercial firms in order to build demand-side response (DSR) portfolios, Ofgem data suggests. The regulator’s...

Set 2020 energy storage target and subsidise turn down demand response over diesel, MPs...

The energy and climate change committee has urged the government to create policy that favours turn-down demand side response over decentralised diesel generation. The committee,...

National Grid: No problem keeping lights on this winter

  National Grid remains confident of doing its job this winter. The system operator said the margin of generation over supply has increased by 2.9GW...

National Grid urges Scottish firms to provide demand response, hosts free Edinburgh workshop

National Grid wants industrial and commercial firms based in Scotland to help balance the grid. It is inviting end-user organisations to find out more...

Public sector unconvinced by demand-side response

The bulk of the UK’s public sector estate remains unconvinced by demand-side response (DSR), shrugging off the best efforts of aggregators and energy suppliers,...

Demand Turn Up: What worked and what didn’t work in summer grid balancing trial?

National Grid's first demand turn up trial concluded at the end of September. The Energyst asked aggregators how they see the service taking shape. Demand...

Who needs an EFR contract? Somerset solar site installs ‘grid scale’ Tesla battery storage...

Tesla's commercial scale battery storage units are being installed at a ground-mounted solar PV site in Somerset. The company managing the project, Camborne Energy...

Virtue: An internet of energy

Sponsored post: Virtue is an integrated energy management and micro-grid solution with smart grid control. It is forming an integral part in the future...

Dong Energy: Value of a flexible megawatt will increase, ‘so be careful where you...

Dong Energy managing director of sales, Jeff Whittingham, believes the value of electricity loadshifting will increase significantly over the next five years. As such,...

Trinity Mirror Group to earn up to £1m from demand-side response

Trinity Mirror Group hopes to earn between £800,000 and £1million from demand side response (DSR) this financial year. The firm’s calculations are based on hitting all...

National Grid says 2020 DSR target “totally achievable”, mulls longer contracts

National Grid head of commercial operations Cathy McClay believes the system operator’s 2020 target to achieve up to half of grid balancing from demand-side...

Aggregators: Don’t fear disruption from demand-side response

Most operations have some degree of power consumption flexibility, according to aggregators, yet relatively few organisations participate in balancing services, according to The Energyst's...