Government’s wavering snags flex markets & thus Net Zero, REA concludes

Compared to our European neighbours, the UK has some of the most ambitious energy targets this decade, but faces almost unrivalled problems in reaching...

D-ESNZ pushes 2024’s CfD caps higher in quest of renewables boost

The government today confirmed increases of 50 per cent and higher in Contract for Difference ceiling prices offered to next year’s projects bidding to...
Rolls Royce's vision of how a small nuclear reactor might look. The report acknowledges Rolls Royce's support.

Buy British to boost nuclear generation, and revive Wylfa, MPs urge

Britain’s nuclear expansion must be sourced from home-based suppliers, and must include reviving north Wales’ defunct Wylfa station, an industry-backed panel of MPs advocates...

Longer-term bills help needed for businesses, say brokers

New research from nPower Business Solutions finds that nearly three quarters of brokers reckon the government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) isn’t doing enough...

Green hydrogen scoops £2bn for industry projects, as pilot falters to convert homes

Energy ministry D-ESNZ has committed to back 11 projects making industrial use of green hydrogen with £2 billion over 15 years. In return for state...

Government finds £1.5 billion more for heat pumps, breaks down £6 billion of efficiency...

Ministers today added £1.5 billion to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), promoting electric pumps as gas' low carbon replacements for warmth. In helping homes replace...

Vision thing: Government launches aspirations for competitive CCUS

Ministers are sharpening their long-term vision of creating a competitive UK market for carbon capture and storage (CCUS). In a policy programme dubbed CCUS Vision,...

Sharma joins Tory rebellion against North Sea oil vote

Former energy secretary Alok Sharma MP, chair of the UN CoP conference in Glasgow in 2021, is among Conservative rebels unable to support tonight’s...

Government ‘eases off’ on fines for installers missing heat pump goals; reports

Heat pump manufacturers look to have persuaded D-ESNZ to abandon what looked to become heavy cash penalties if they fail from this spring to...

Elexon poised to direct suppliers’ cash towards new nukes

A change in rules for financing new nuclear capacity leaves trading platform Elexon preparing to play a key role in supporting expansion of the...

Decarbonising social homes: NW & W Midlands lead, South East & West woeful

New government statistics show that delivery of projects to strip out carbon from public housing under the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) remains...

Green energy chiefs hail new Energy Act reforms

Britain’s biggest group lobbying for low carbon power has welcomed the passing into law of the nation’s biggest shake up for a generation in...

D-ESNZ approves NGrid’s Yorkshire GREEN upgrade

Energy secretary Claire Coutinho has granted a development consent order (DCO) for the Yorkshire GREEN Energy Enablement project, clearing the way for National Grid...

Consumer champion presses minister to help 500k heat networked homes

As Ofgem's latest price cap sends average household energy bills to their lowest level in two years, a consumer body is sounding the alarm...

Mapping for wind & solar: England “can produce 13x more clean energy than now”,...

Easing barriers to new onshore wind and solar power could see England alone producing 13 times more low carbon electricity than at present on...

Energy minister Graham Stuart quits, opts for backbenches

Rishi Sunak has been struck by another ministerial resignation as energy minister Graham Stuart, pictured left, has announced he is standing down from his...

Schools “need £5.4 Billion” for solar PV & LEDs, if Net Zero is to...

Photo credit: to National Grid/ Solar for Schools Britain’s 29,000 schools need up to £5.4 billion invested in lighting upgrades and on-roof solar power generation,...

‘Technical Limits’ slashes 80 months off renewable projects’ hook-up delays, NG claims

Electricity networks in England and Wales have enabled grid connection dates offered to over 200 clean energy projects to be brought forward, the National...

Britons ‘vote with their feet’, in quest of greener, low carbon communities, survey finds

A growing number of Britons would move home or shift jobs if their communities or companies do not commit to going greener in the...

Government goes cold on ‘hydrogen town’ pilot

Energy ministry D-ESNZ is turning down the heat under plans to run a town-scale pilot to heat homes by hydrogen alone this decade. in December...