The Energyst has published a new, free, demand-side response and battery storage report, outlining challenges and opportunities for businesses aiming to cut costs and generate income by providing grid balancing services.
The report provides a perspective of the state of play from both end users and service providers.
Demand-side response (DSR) primarily involves adjusting electricity consumption or using on-site generation to help keep the power system stable. Providers get paid to do so and government policy is pushing the UK towards a more flexible energy system that will require businesses to react to price signals.
In coming years, these price signals may become significantly sharper and more volatile.
The report contains a survey of 180 businesses and public sector organisations, both those providing DSR, and those that do not. It also includes interviews with DSR providers from a major retailer, the NHS, a water company, a logistics company and the UK’s largest provider of student accommodation.
Aggregators, suppliers and consultants also share views on pinch-points and solutions, while National Grid details its roadmap towards a simpler, more transparent set of balancing services.
Battery storage
The survey suggests significant appetite for battery storage – from both large and small businesses as well as the public sector.
More than half of respondents are considering investment in battery storage. Of those, two thirds believe their project will payback within seven years.
The report also touches on emerging market opportunities for both batteries and other forms of DSR, such as balancing services within distribution networks and across Europe.
The Demand-side response: Shifting the balance of power report is available as a free download here.
The report is sponsored by National Grid, BIU, Enernoc, Engie, Eon, G59 Professional Services, Restore, UK Power Reserve and Total Gas & Power.
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