Enel X has won 218MW of Ireland’s demand-side response capacity market agreements for delivery in 2022-23.
The company said it is its largest win to date in the Irish market, which covers both the Republic and Northern Ireland, topping the 154MW it was awarded in February for delivery this year and next.
The Irish programme pays users year round for being on standby, ready to respond in the event of a grid emergency, as well as providing incremental payments if and when they reduce their energy demand from the grid.
The auction cleared at 43p/kW per year, significantly higher than the UK’s capacity auctions to date. The Single Electricity Market Operator procured a total of 7,412 megawatts at a total cost of £319million.
Italian utility Enel bought demand-side response aggregator Enernoc two years ago in a deal that valued the company at around £236m.
Fellow aggregator GridBeyond, formerly known as Endeco, also won over 50MW of CM agreements. See the full auction results here.
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Enel buys DSR aggregator Enernoc
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