Energyst Media launches The Energyst Event

Energyst publisher Steve Swaine, left, and editor Tim McManan-Smith
Energyst publisher Steve Swaine, left, and editor Tim McManan-Smith

Energyst Media has today launched The Energyst Event, a trade show focusing specifically on business energy issues, rather than broader sustainability and environmental concerns.

The show will further the remit of The Energyst magazine and in providing essential information to cater for the needs of the modern energy professional. It will take place at the Birmingham Motorcycle Museum 17/18th April 2018.

Editor of The Energyst, Tim McManan-Smith, has worked as a journalist in the sector for almost two decades. He believes rapidly shifting market dynamics create an urgent requirement for a new type of energy event.

The modern energy professional has to be an expert in technology, risk management, finance, demand-side response, efficiency, behavioural change and market mechanisms. The Energyst Event aims to provide a platform where these issues are discussed with solutions offered that can have a direct impact on the working life of the energy professional – and the bottom lines of their employers. Incisive market intelligence allied to a strong product and service offering at the event reflects the aims of The Energyst.

“The launch of the event brings a much needed focus on pure energy, spanning efficiency, cost avoidance, revenue opportunities and effective procurement strategies,” said event director, Steve Swaine.

“Crucially, it will bring together solutions providers and our highly engaged business and public sector audiences, which collectively consume billions of pounds worth of energy each year,” he added.

“There is simply too much going on to encompass broader environmental concerns within a useful show. The Energyst Event introduces a large scale, live interaction to our leading portfolio of essential energy information; our magazines, websites, newsletters, social media and market intelligence reports.

For further information, stand sales and sponsorship opportunities, contact:

Steve Swaine:; 0203 714 4451 / 07818574300






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