Morrison Utility Connections selected for University of Sheffield power uprade project


Morrison Utility Connections, a major projects Independent Connection Provider (ICP) and part of Morrison Utility Services, has been awarded a £2m power upgrade project by the University of Sheffield to install electrical infrastructure into its Advanced Manufacturing Campus.

The scope of works will include the design and installation of new 11kV substations including all electrical and civil works.  Excavation of cable trenches and installation of 11kV cable will take place in both the public highway and private land to connect the substations and to provide future capacity for further substations to be connected in the future.

Keith Lilley, Director of Estates and Facilities Management and IT at the University of Sheffield said: “This is a critical infrastructure project for the University of Sheffield’s rapidly growing Advanced Manufacturing Campus and we are pleased to have appointed Morrison Utility Connections to deliver the contract for us. Ensuring that we have an efficient and reliable energy supply will be vital in supporting the development of this initiative, which is already delivering a significant economic impact for the region. We look forward to the delivery of this next stage.”

Executive Director Mike Harrison commented: “We are delighted to have been awarded this important electrical infrastructure project from Sheffield University. As one of the largest ICP operators in the UK, we were able to demonstrate a successful track record in major projects of this nature, as well as an experienced in-house team with the credentials and breadth of design and delivery expertise that are essential for a power upgrade development such as this.”


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