National Grid and Epex Spot to collaborate on weekly FFR auction


European power exchange, Epex Spot, will work with National Grid on its weekly firm frequency response auction. It will help develop and operate the auction platform that is set to launch in June.

The electricity system operator (ESO) is working on a number of trials to bring procurement of some balancing services closer to real time.

It aims to bring in non-dispatchable sources of generation such as wind and solar into frequency response – and a weekly auction with service delivery starting on the same day could allow less predictable sources of power to participate.

The two year trial, which National Grid indicated will procure a “small volume” of frequency response, will take place every Friday. Results will be published the same afternoon and the first delivery window will be 11pm that night (see details here).

The projects are part of a major overhaul of all of National Grid’s balancing services as it works out how to best balance a power system with increasing amounts of renewable and distributed generation and reduced inertia as thermal plant is forced off.

Related stories:

National Grid to trial same day FFR auction

National Grid to bring wind and solar into FFR, details balancing system overhaul

Can the Balancing Mechanism offset FFR price erosion?

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