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Subsea cabling

Cabling firm XLCC hires CTO Larsen

The firm spending £1.4 billion to turn part of the Hunterston former nuclear site into Europe’s biggest cable-making factory has appointed industry veteran Vegar...

NG fires up Viking cable to Denmark, world’s longest at 475 miles

National Grid has turned on its £1.7 billion Viking subsea power link to Denmark, claiming the 475 miles of the 1.4GW project makes it...

Holyrood bets £9m on Morocco power line, primes 900 Hunterston jobs

Scotland’s part was confirmed today in high private sector ambitions to pump low carbon Moroccan wind- and solar-derived electricity to Britain under thousands of...

Aquind directors’ past re-emerges, as Portmouth deal confirmed

Campaigners fear a deal made this week by Portsmouth City Council is reviving plans from a development firm linked to a prominent Conservative donor...

EGL2 mega-connector wins Anglo-Scots planners’ green light

Britain’s biggest current network improvement project, the Eastern Green Link 2 subsea cable running for 291 miles under the North Sea, has secured planning...

“Scots, Tera-watt hey!” Holyrood to plug in 20GW more green capacity by 2030, ponders how...

Scotland’s devolved government has unveiled plans to accelerate still further the heady growth already seen in the nation’s clean generation capacities. The ruling SNP’s “Energy...

‘Renewables acting like baseload’:  Octopus joins Essex-based £16 Bn pipeline to Morocco

Green mega-investor Octopus is teaming up with Billericay-based energy entrepreneurs seeking to pump renewable electricity from southern Morocco to Britain. Essex start-up Xlinks announced in...

Brexit ‘far from over’ in energy sector, says new research      

Researchers at the UK Energy Research Centre have delivered their verdict so far on the effects which Britain’s quitting the EU has had on...

NG-ESO’s Networks Options Assessment: SSEN happy, preps three Peterhead pipes

SSEN Transmission, the network owner serving Scotland’s north, has today welcomed the National Grid’s greenlight to pump £5 billion into the region’s distribution wires. National...

D-BEIS nixes Russian oligarchs’ 2 GW cross-Channel interconnector

Britain’s energy ministry has rejected a £1.2 billion plan by a major donor to the Conservative Party to build a 2GW power interconnector from...

“Remember us, Europe?” – Ofgem to seek ££ Billions towards doubled interconnector capacity

Ofgem will next year seek billions of pounds of investment for further international power connectors, in a bid to boost energy security, hit Britain’s...

Two DNOs pledge £10 Billion for RIIO-ED2 upgrades, as Ofgem fines Western Link duo...

Two distributed network operators (DNOs) including Britain’s biggest WPD today passed to Ofgem final plans totalling more than £ 10 billion for network upgrades...

National Grid half year results:  Pre-tax up 75%, op profit up 47%, capex up...

Britain’s privatised backbone system operator pleased investors today with strong results for the six months to September. Against a steady-state base of continuing activities, National...

Morocco unbound: £16 billion green power pipe mooted to Devon giga-battery

British energy entrepreneurs Xlinks have unveiled ambitious plans to link solar and wind power generated in the Moroccan desert with UK power consumers via...