Don’t miss the free Demand-Side Response Event, 11 September, London
The energy system is changing. Passive consumption of power will become more expensive as the UK develops a smart grid to decarbonise the economy.
Flexibility will be key in a power system dominated by renewables. That has profound implications for businesses.
The Energyst’s fifth annual Demand-Side Response (DSR) Event provides key insight into the changing outlook for flexibility – and the morning conference is free for end users.
Delegates will hear from National Grid about changes to its flexibility services, along with expert insight from energy suppliers, aggregators and consultants on the evolution of flexible power.
Representatives from the Environment Agency and Beis will respectively outline the impact of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive on back-up generation from a DSR perspective and incoming changes to the Capacity Market.
Cornwall Insight will outline how changes to network charging regimes will impact business energy bills and strategies.
Baringa Partners and LCP will provide a snapshot of where value is headed in contracted and merchant markets. EDF Energy and Enel X will discuss how to capture that value.
Distribution Network Operator UK Power Networks will explain how businesses with flexible load, generation or battery storage can get paid to help it manage network constraints – and its plans to expand flexibility procurement.
Elexon will provide a succinct introduction to Terre – the pan-European balancing market set to open in 2020.
Industrial and commercial end users that provide DSR will details their experiences – positive and negative.
All delegates will receive a free copy of The Energyst’s 2019 DSR report, providing a snapshot of the market today – and where it’s headed tomorrow.
To secure your place and see the full agenda, visit
Please note: The event is likely to be oversubscribed. We will give preference to end users (I&C companies, universities, local authorities, NHS Trusts etc.) that take our short DSR and battery storage survey – which forms the research component of our reports.
Take the survey here.
Related stories:
Government to consider multi-year contracts for DSR – if evidence deems necessary
DSR and battery storage: give us your views
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