Severn Trent Water is asking for feedback on its procurement strategy and for new ideas on how it could better harness flexible technologies.
The company’s soft market test remains live until 31 August.
After the feedback exercise, Severn Trent will go to market for specific solutions that cut its energy bill and carbon footprint and unlock flexibility.
Severn Trent uses 900GWh of power per year, equivalent to £100m, though it generates around 40 per cent of its own consumption. It wants to use flexibility to drive down cost further and seeks ideas in the following areas:
- opportunities to use hydrogen and biomethane, including vehicles and power generation
- alternatives to traditional diesel standby power resilience
- energy flexibility and control solutions
- innovative use of waste heat
- low-head in-pipe hydro generation
- solutions for storage and balancing of surplus on-site generation.
Once the company has assessed commercially available flexible energy solutions, it intends to go to market via a tender.
But it also wants to understand how its procurement and contracting strategy might better enable smaller companies to provide services.
“We are a fairly big utility company and [our contracting framework] may be quite difficult to navigate for small firms with good ideas, so we are looking for some feedback on that,” Severn Trent Water Demand-Side Response manager, Robert Wild, told The Energyst.
He said the exercise will also outline “some indicative solutions that we are likely to go to market for in the near future – batteries, storage, aggregation services – so we are looking for feedback there as well”.
See details here.
Robert Wild will speak at The Energyst’s DSR Event, 11 September, London. It’s free for end users, see details here.
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