Severn Trent to make energy data public in bid to cut £100m bill


Water firm Severn Trent is to make its energy data public in a bid to cut its 900GWh annual consumption, which, if it did not generate 38% of its own power, would equate to a £100m bill.

The company has published an open invitation to data experts to come to its Coventry HQ and take part in a hackathon next month (18-19 June).

Energy manager Howard Perry said while the firm plans to generate half of its power requirements by 2020, it currently consumes the equivalent of 250,000 households.

“Energy is one of our biggest costs. We’re investing a lot in renewable energy technologies and working hard to reduce energy usage, but we know there is still more to be done,” said Perry.

“That’s why we’re making this data public. This is about getting a fresh pair of eyes on the way we use energy to see what innovations we can take advantage of to make us even more efficient.

“Any savings we can make on our energy bills will reduce our operating costs, which is great news for our customers as it will help us to keep bills low.”

The data will be released two weeks prior to the hackathon to all who have registered.

Teams of up to four are invited to register interest in receiving the data or a place at the hackathon, email Severn Trent asks participants to include name, company/affiliation, team and email address to receive information on how to download the data once it becomes available.

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