Energy Institute sets up energy efficiency helpline for businesses


London_SunsetThe Energy Institute (EI) has set up a helpline to provide a 20 minute free consultation for businesses, enabling them to ask questions about ESOS, energy auditing and the benefits of seeking professional advice on energy efficiency. The service, says the EI in this sponsored post, is fulfilled by members of the Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC) – a regulated directory of experts who are all chartered, are bound to a strict Code of Conduct and have a proven track record in energy consultancy.

Companies can register their interest via email, telephone or online and a consultant will respond within two working days. The discussion will focus primarily on opportunities for energy savings for business, complying with ESOS legislation and the auditing process together with the benefits of engaging with professional advisors. The consultant will provide information on services available to the business, including how to use RPEC to search for specific skills in a consultant. To remain on the Register, all consultants have their credentials and CPD checked every year.

RPEC is the UK’s only cross-sectoral register of energy consultants on the market. In addition to being chartered, consultants are all approved to act as ESOS Lead Assessors.

Using an RPEC consultant means that businesses can have confidence that they are getting the best energy saving advice– and that they will enjoy up-to-date, timely, and professional services.

The EI is at the forefront of developing knowledge resources, training courses and qualifications for energy managers, harnessing its members’ expertise for the benefit of organisations across the UK.

To see the EI’s complete portfolio of energy management products and services please visit

Information and resources about energy management and efficiency can also be found on the Energy Matrix at

To find out more about becoming a Chartered Energy Manager, please visit

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