Latest data from the National Audit Office (NAO) shows that business energy customers overpaid on electricity for seven years, with companies which run the wires and pylons making bigger profits than they needed to. Data indicates that SMEs could be overpaying on gas and electricity to the tune of £7 billion due to mishandling of the network and a lack of information and market knowledge for end users.
All this will be little comfort to small businesses though, struggling to balance the books.
The SME market is responsible for 99% of all the UK’s 5.9 million businesses and 60% of total UK employment. In terms of their economic contribution, small businesses amount to 50%-70% of total GDP.
Traditionally, methods to secure new business energy deals have been impractical and time-consuming, requiring obscure and lengthy details from energy bills.’s goal is to make energy switching a swift, seamless and transparent experience – saving businesses time and money in the process.
Many businesses roll onto a new energy tariff that is 80% more costly than their current one. Businessenergyquotes though offers a 10-second no-obligation scan of the market from 26+ reputable suppliers, including green-only tariffs. If a deal is secured there is an auto renew option too. to avoid rolling onto a far higher rate if the renewal deadline is accidentally missed.
Launched in spring 2020, the new, powerful pricing tool delivers accurate business energy quotes using actual consumption data from business energy meters in just ten seconds thanks to its robust software and connectivity to the Smart Grid. can identify a business meter and its actual consumption patterns down to Day/Night Splits or Evening/Weekend usage. It means that the tariffs offered by its supplier network are as precise as possible, building SME confidence by securing accurate energy deals.
Additionally, with 66% of businesses more focused on carbon reduction strategies post COVID-19, provides ‘Green Only’ offers from suppliers who provide electricity from renewable generation sources. In recent months, with a surplus of renewable energy, this has proven to be a beneficial option for UK SMEs, with the market pricing green energy favourably against non-renewables.
Opportunities at Northern Gas and Power,